Our Serious Games Platform

In this digital age, augmented and virtual reality games are no strangers to us. We experience them to be interactive and engaging to bring about entertainment. But what exactly are serious games and in particular, serious games for healthcare? Serious games for healthcare are also interactive games but their primary objective is not entertainment. It is to help the player build essential knowledge, increase procedural competency and apply the appropriate responses effectively and efficiently to care-giving scenarios.

Serious games for healthcare and home-caregiving (SGHT) are typically crafted with settings and assets that mimic the actual environment and objects in context which also allows for the simulation of actual procedures and responses, testing of decision making and responses. Given the interactive features, they enable learners to process and apply information and carry out case based learning. Step by step procedure can be practised to prevent error and promote safety and prioritisation. SGHT allows for the experimentation as well as assessment of work procedures in an immersive, virtual, yet realistic and protected environment without compromising the safety of care-recipients.

Our SGHT ensures validity and reliability in assessment, tracking every action played out and scoring them. Areas of failure are highlighted, and feedback is provided for relearning. Games have been co-developed and co-created with domain experts' input. They identified areas of training needs with typical scenarios and procedures, as well as those that may be rare, but are essential for care-giving personnel to be familiar and competent in. Developed through validation by content experts, our SGHT provides the standardisation which reduces variability among instructors, and time taken for training. Our SGHT can be highly customised according to the requirements of individual healthcare institutions and home-caregiving market to fulfil various training needs.

Benefits of Our Games


Many would most likely forget procedures after a few weeks of training. Repeated practices will allow learners to refresh and revise the knowledge gained and the procedures learnt. This will help ensure confidence and competency in carrying out these procedures, even in emergencies. Learners will receive e-certificates of achievement in recognition of their training when competency is demonstrated in the procedures learnt.

Our PacMeta Games

By leveraging virtual technology, Pacific Meta aims to deliver sustainable, scalable and affordable training through these serious games which serve to educate learners about procedures safely and effectively.


Real-life simulations

Mimics actual environment and objects allowing simulations of actual procedures and decision-making and responses


Improved safely

Facilitates step-by-step training and case-based practices virtually without compromisiong care recipients' safety


Optimized learning

Areas of failure are highlighted and feedback is provided to bridge and implement learning for optimal performance


Standardised teaching

Co-developed with domain experts' input, providing standardisation which reduces variability among istructors and time taken for training

PacMeta Games comprises of Mini-games in the:


Training Mode

Build learners' essential knowledge


Practice Mode

Increase learners' procedural proficiency


Assessment Mode

Insight on learners' proficiency

PacMeta Games are accessible Anytime, Anywhere…

PacMeta games can be accessed anytime and anywhere on the web browser on computers or through downloadable game apps on mobile devices as long as there is stable Wi-Fi or data access.


Our Games List

In Singapore, there are 250,000 migrant domestic workers of which the majority of them are caring for the elderly and household members with various needs. Our interactive virtual training platform of serious games in home-caregiving training provides the much-needed training in basic home-caregiving skills anytime and anywhere for domestic workers and household members.

The learners will be able to pick up the basic caregiving procedures easily with step-by-step guidance, in which they apply their knowledge into repeated practices to gain proficiency and confidence in execution when applicable. Employers will have access to the performance of their domestic workers in learning and practising the training content, as well as in passing the assessment.


HomeCare CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) Game

HomeCare CPR Game is one of PacMeta's BCLS (basic cardiac life support) games designed and developed to provide virtual training in the procedures in performing CPR on an adult within a home setting. The game presents several scenarios from which the player will learn the appropriate actions to be taken given the differing scenarios. HomeCare CPR Game will help train the player to perform CPR on an adult competently, confidently and effectively.

HomeCare AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Game

HomeCare AED Game is another of PacMeta's BCLS games crafted to train on the use of the AED device on an adult in a home setting. The game leads the player through multiple scenarios to equip the player on the appropriate responses given these varying scenarios, working alongside a second rescuer. HomeCare AED Game will help equip the player to operate the AED on an adult safely and effectively.


VSM (Vital Signs Monitoring) Game

HomeCare VSM (Vital Signs Monitoring) Game provides home caregivers with the virtual training platform in carrying out measurements of vital signs like blood pressure in the home context. The game takes the player through the necessary steps in preparing and performing the vital signs measurement and documenting the readings. HomeCare VSM Game provides the platform for learning the standard procedure and allows the player to become proficient with the procedure in order to perform vital signs measurement optimally.

HomeCare Wound Care Game

HomeCare Wound Care Game was carefully crafted for home caregivers to learn the steps necessary to clean a pressure ulcer wound and change out the wound dressing. The game provides the player insights into the principles of sterility which are of paramount importance in wound care. HomeCare Wound Care Game will help the player become familiar with the wound dressing procedure and perform it with confidence while ensuring the safety of the elderly.


HomeCare Mobility Management Game

The Mobility Management Game engages the player in carrying out bedsore management and transfers. It also educates the player in fall prevention. The player will get to pick up the techniques in repositioning a bedbound person, transferring a wheelchair dependent person in a virtual environment without compromising the safety of the care-recipient. The player will also be led to address the areas of concern when looking into preventing care-recipients from falling. The Mobility Management Game will increase the player's capacity in managing the care-recipient's mobility in a safe manner.

Our interactive virtual training platform of serious games can be used in hospitals for training healthcare professionals like nurses and patient care assistants. The games are based on typical procedures and scenarios identified in the hospital setting to be necessary for the healthcare personnel's familiarisation and ensured proficiency. On the other hand, the serious games can also be tailored to meet specific training needs and be customised according to the requirements of individual healthcare institutions to mimic the actual environment and unique operating procedures of hospitals.

Our serious games allow training to occur anytime and anywhere thereby enabling a more efficient use of training resources such as trainers, trainees and training space. It can also facilitate pre-recruitment assessment and post-recruitment on-boarding training virtually for new staff as well as for existing staff transferring to new departments. In addition, backend AI is capable of producing specific performance reports to assess and track staff proficiencies and also improve the consistency of the training content.


Blood Pressure Monitoring Game

Blood Pressure Monitoring Game, a PacMeta's serious game, provides healthcare workers with the virtual training platform in carrying out the blood pressure (BP) measurement for inpatients. The game takes the player through the necessary steps in assessing and preparing the patient for BP measurement, performing the BP measurement and finally in evaluating the BP readings. The BPM game provides the platform for learning the standard procedure in BP measurement, allowing the player to level up on their competency in this area of healthcare service.

Heart Rate & Respiration Rate Monitoring Game

Heart Rate & Respiration Rate Monitoring Game, a PacMeta's serious game, provides healthcare workers with focal training on performing heart rate and respiratory rate measurement for inpatients. The game takes the player through the necessary steps in assessment, preparation, performance and evaluation of the heart rate and respiratory rate of inpatients. This game complements the training in performing blood pressure measurement and oxygen saturation level measurement, allowing the player to be trained and be proficient in vital signs monitoring.


Oxygen Saturation Level Monitoring Game

Oxygen Saturation Level Monitoring Game is one of PacMeta's vital signs games. It is designed to provide healthcare workers virtual training in carrying out the steps needed in the assessment, preparation, performance and evaluation of the oxygen saturation level of inpatients. Complementary to the Blood Pressure Monitoring Game and the Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate Monitoring Game, this game will enable healthcare workers to be well versed with the procedure in SpO2 monitoring.

CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) Game

CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) Game is one of PacMeta's BCLS (basic cardiac life support) games. It is designed to provide both healthcare and non-healthcare workers with virtual training in the procedures in performing CPR. The game presents several scenarios from which the player will learn the appropriate actions to be taken given the differing scenarios. The CPR Game will help train the player to perform CPR competently, confidently and effectively.


AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Game

AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Game is one of PacMeta's BCLS (basic cardiac life support) games. It has been crafted to train both healthcare and non-healthcare workers in the procedures prior to the use of the AED as well as operating the AED in a safe and effective manner. The game leads the player through multiple scenarios to equip the player on the appropriate responses given these varying scenarios. The AED Game will help train the player to operate the AED competently, confidently and safely.

SWD (Simple Wound Dressing) Game

SWD (Simple Wound Dressing) Game is one of PacMeta's virtual training games complementary to healthcare workers training in wound dressing procedure for pressure ulcer wounds. The game leads the player to learn the steps necessary to ensure that the patient's wound is cleaned and dressing changed, keeping to the principles of sterility. The SWD Game will help the player become familiar with the wound dressing procedure and perform it with confidence while ensuring the safety of the patient.


Neonatal Resuscitation Training Game

Neonatal resuscitation is a rare situation that healthcare professionals encounter yet it is crucial for them to always be equipped with the skill to handle the circumstance when it arises. With the Neonatal Resuscitation Training Game, healthcare professionals will be able to maintain a refreshed experience of such an emergency. They will know with certainty the equipment and procedures that are appropriate to revive an infant; all within the safe environment of virtual yet realistic scenarios. Developed according to the standards required in neonatal resuscitation, this game offers multiple retraining opportunities—with healthcare professional standards—throughout the year to keep them at the optimal level of competency in infant resuscitation.

A hospital in Singapore has carried out a study involving more than 140 healthcare professionals self-evaluating in neonatal resuscitation competency by engaging in the neonatal resuscitation game. Data shows an enhancement in the retention time of theoretical concepts and of acquired practical competences. This study supported the validation of the Resuscitation Game as an official training instrument, forming part of the hospital’s annual curricular training program involving more than 2,000 doctors, nurses, midwives and technical instrumentalists.

Blood Transfusion Game

The Blood Transfusion Game provides the virtual platform for healthcare professionals like nurses and patient care assistants to get themselves familiarised with blood transfusion procedures in the first person's perspective. It simulates the actual hospital ward which allows healthcare professionals to transfer what they have learnt in this game to real life situations. At the same time, being virtual, the game equips healthcare professionals to carry out blood transfusion procedures accurately in a safe environment without compromising the safety of their patients.

More importantly, this game has been tailored to test healthcare professionals on specific assessment checkpoints in four categories of Special Considerations, Preparatory Phase, Implementation Phase and Follow-up Phase which meet professional standards of assessment endorsed by a healthcare academy with over 3,000 nurses* completed playing the game. Through this game, skills competency in this area can be validated and hence allows healthcare professionals to attain the required certification and recertification stipulated by the hospital.


Our Videos & Brochures

PacMeta HomeCare Games

PacMeta SGHCT AED 2023